Mid Winter Update

We are experiencing a very unusual winter since my final post of 2015. The weather in December was mild with some nice sunny days which allowed me to keep the course open until Christmas!  January was cold and dry with very little snow.  February started off with a nice 50 degree day on Groundhogs day.  I must admit I teed up a few balls and took a few swings with my driver!

Two weeks ago we received some snowfall which was a welcome sight.  The snow insulated the turf from a brutally cold weekend and prevented any wind desiccation or low temperature kill to the putting greens.

At this moment the snow is all gone due to the rain we received last week.  All that rain caused the course to flood but thankfully there is no sand on the fairways.  We will have fair amount of sticks and debris to clean up once we start back at work.

Next month Matt, Pete, and Jordan will be returning to work.  I will be looking to fill the vacant assistant position as well as hire another staff member.  I am hopeful to find some dedicated employees that will fit in well with our green team.  We will return on March 20th and start our normal spring maintenance. 

I have attended a few educational seminars during the winter. These informative sessions introduce new methodologies in turfgrass management techniques which I will incorporate into my programs. Im attending the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference in Providence next week and im looking forward to networking and more educational opportunities.

The frost isn't very deep this year and we could open early dependent on the weather in March.  Ill update again in mid March.  Think Spring!


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