Course Update

Overseeding the fairways is our primary focus these next few weeks.  Using our fairway aerator we punched thimble sized aeration holes and seeded with a bentgrass and chewings fescue mix on the 2nd and 7th holes. We will continue this labor intensive process where needed as long as mother nature cooperates with my plans.  As the seedlings emerge I will lightly fertilize and push them in the right direction.  I am hopeful by labor day weekend we will see a good stand of grass.

This past Monday was the perfect opportunity to vertical mow the greens.  Vertical mowing removes thatch, promotes an upright growth habit and encourages a better ball roll. We lightly topdressed and seeded the greens and then worked it into the canopy.  The end result is a healthier green and a firmer and faster playing surface.
In addition to vertical mowing we aerated the 1st and 2nd greens with needle tines. These tiny holes create an avenue for air/gas exchange and encourage root growth.  This is commonly referred to as "venting" the greens.

The recent stretch of cool nights has been quite a relief for the turfgrass after a stressful June and July.  Its encouraging to see the turf slowly recovering after a difficult stretch of weather.

It seems our resident Opsrey is enjoying his stay at LCC.  I cant recall seeing him around this late in the year.  The picture below was taken today down by the river on the 2nd hole.


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