31 days and counting

The last 31 days have not seen a day in the 90s with quite a few cool nites in the 50s.
The mild weather has been a fortuitous break as the root systems were severely compromised from the early summer stress.  The golf course is rebounding nicely now as we approach the fall season.

The mild weather has allowed us to tackle a number of different little projects.  We have seeded the 2nd, 9th, and 7th fairways with a creeping bentgrass/chewings fescue mix.  I like the chewings fescue because it is a little more drought tolerant and has a similar texture as the bentgrass.  We have germination on the 2nd and 7th holes and those areas were recently fertilized.

We have done some verticutting around the 5th, 6th, 3rd hole and 8 grass bunkers.  The thatch was quite substantial in some of those areas.  Removing the thatch should make it easier for you to swing through the grass and make a easy up and down should you miss the green.  It does look a little brown but it will green up in a week or two.

One of our goals in the Audubon program is to remove invasive species on the property.  We are in the process of eliminating a stand of Japanese knotweed behind the 3rd green.  This will be an ongoing project.  We are also spraying the phragmites on the 3rd hole and a small stand near 9 yellow.  This is a case where brown is good!

You may have noticed some brown patches on the 1st and 4th fairway.  I sprayed a post emergent herbicide for clover control.  There is quite a bit of it and its a very difficult weed to control.  I have also sprayed numerous areas for crabgrass and nutsedge around some of the greens and tees.  All these areas are off color and will look a lot better in a few weeks.  Ill continue to spray weeds in the coming weeks as time, weather and labor constraints allow for it.

The golf course is in good shape and I am pleased with the way the turf has rebounded this past month.  Hope to see you in the fairways!


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