Pins are In!

The golf course is open for the season!  The frost is gone and the grass is slowly starting to break dormancy. Playing conditions are a little rough around the edges.  We still haven't completely cleaned up the course.  All playing surfaces will be mowed on a infrequent basis over the next few weeks.  Once the grass starts to grow at a consistent interval is when we will start our normal maintenance schedule.

Presently the benches, ballwashers, and other course accessories are being refurbished.  Once they are finished i will put them out. 

Carts will be permissible once i am able to start mowing fairways.  The logic behind this is if i can put a fairway tractor on the fairway it is fine for a cart.  Presently the fairways are too soft to mow. I am hoping that by next week i can start mowing fairways but will be largely dependent on the whims of Mother Nature.

I will update the blog when carts are available.  So please check back here next week or call Scott.

Looking forward to the new season! See you out in the fairways!


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