Course Update

The calendar says it spring but it looks and feels like late winter. Snow drifts hug the wood lines and I hope that this snow will completely burn off this week. Ice is still on four pond which is very unusual for this time of the year.

The soft ground is hampering are ability to clean up the course.  Warmer days are forecasted and with that we will be able to make some headway on spring cleanup.  Less time on the course means more time in the shop!

Springtime is our busiest time of the year as we prepare for the upcoming season. The crew is servicing all our equipment and painting tee blocks and benches.

Its difficult to forecast when the course will open.  This abnormal March weather is setting our normal work timetable back by 7-10 days.  LCC will remain closed throughout next week.  Ill update course conditions next week.


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